Four Ways to Make Your Customer Happy Through Inbound Marketing
There is no lack of attractive offers by businesses attempting to snag new customers, but they should also focus on keeping customers already there, happy. 1
The cost of obtaining new customers is five times higher than that of retaining existing customers. 2
A happy customer is a loyal customer. Keeping customers happy helps businesses attract new customers and retain those they already have. Inbound marketing can put businesses ten light years ahead of the competition. Inbound marketing, at its core, acknowledges how important the customer is and how to keep them happy.
This article will discuss four ways businesses can use inbound marketing to keep customers happy. Read on as we elaborate.
What Does Inbound Marketing Entail?
Inbound marketing is a specialised marketing strategy that focuses on the customer’s particular needs. It is unlike outbound marketing which can sometimes bombard the customer with irrelevant information. All the content used for inbound marketing is targeted and tailored to the customer’s exact needs.
Inbound marketing helps the customer find your business. Conversely, it helps provide specific solutions to problems faced by the customer. Thus it leads to a win-win situation where everybody is happy.
Inbound marketing generates 54% more leads than traditional marketing methods. 3
Businesses can use inbound marketing to attract new customers and retain high-quality customers. Inbound marketing can include content marketing, excellent customer service, surveys, etc. 4
Ways To Keep Your Customer Happy Through Inbound Marketing
We have touched on why businesses need to keep customers happy. Now let us highlight a few ways companies can use to make this a reality.
1. Request for Customer Feedback and Provide Excellent Customer Support
Asking for customer feedback and providing good customer support are points that seem pretty straightforward. Most businesses do not do as much as they should in these areas. Intuitive customer support tools and online survey tools like SoGo Survey will help companies understand their customers’ needs and meet them. 5 . Email and social media can also be excellent ways to reach out to customers in their comfort zones and keep them happy if your business is working on a budget.
87% of B2B marketers have adopted social media use and are using it as a tool to reach out to customers and distribute content. 6
Engage with customers on social media platforms and monitor their responses.
A perfect illustration of social media-based customer support and monitoring is what Airbnb did with their Twitter handle @AirbnbHelp. It allowed them to provide quick customer support on a popular platform.
You can arrange customer surveys at regular intervals throughout the business year. You can also make your customers feel included by letting them know the purpose of the study and making sure they understand what the feedback will be used for.
2. Pay Attention to Analytics
Although social media monitoring is helpful, it does not give businesses all the data to anticipate customer needs and keep them content. Social media monitoring works better when coupled with hardcore data. This data can range from the number of views, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Businesses can also use email tracking software to keep track of email open rates.
“Many companies have forgotten they sell to actual people. Humans care about the entire experience, not just the marketing or sales or service. To really win in the modern age, you must solve for humans.” - Dharmesh Shah|| CTO & Co-Founder, HubSpot
So how do analytics help businesses to keep customers happy?
Analytics may highlight a trend or information that businesses would not get from analysing reviews on social media. More in-depth information lets companies provide services or adjustments that clients didn’t yet know they needed. The power to anticipate customer needs will put businesses far ahead of competitors.
3. Show Customers and Prospects Relevant Content
Excellent and relevant content forms the building blocks of inbound marketing. 90% of organisations use the content as part of their marketing. 6
Businesses are constantly trying to obtain new customers, but creating engaging and relevant content for existing customers is essential. It helps companies keep their customers in the loop about the offered products and services.
About 68% of people make an effort to read up on brands they find interesting. 6
Well-informed customers who understand the value of a product are most likely to be loyal.
Businesses can keep their customers informed through methods that include:
- Product-specific blog posts
- Answering FAQs
- Videos or webinar training sessions that are designed specifically for customers
- Testimonials from other customers
- Sharing any current updates about your product
Content marketing costs about 62% less than the traditional forms of marketing, but it generates three times as many leads as traditional marketing. 6
Excellent content and customer engagement will increase engagement post-purchase, which means higher customer retention.
4. Make Use of Smart CTAs
Having a Call-to-Action (CTA) on every page of a business’ website will help direct the prospect or customer to the next level in the conversion journey.
Why use CTAs?
CTAs are the difference between a visitor clicking on a website and disappearing into thin air and a business establishing future communication with them.
Using Smart CTAs helps businesses present each customer with content tailored to them and is at the right level in their buying journey. Smart CTAs let companies propose different offers to different users. The recommendations will depend on information like location and where each customer is in the buying journey.
Existing customers are directed towards information that is valuable to them. It can include updates about a new product, information about promotions, and more. Interacting with existing customers in this manner will keep them in the loop and help them develop a sense of familiarity and loyalty to a brand.
A five per cent boost in customer retention helps businesses to double their revenue. 8
Inbound marketing provides businesses with tools to keep their customers happy and retain them. Customer retention will, in turn, increase revenue.
Final Word
With each day, customers have more and more options to pick from. Keeping them loyal to a business requires conscious effort to keep them happy and content. Companies can achieve this objective through an inbound marketing plan that includes everything from analysing reviews and surveys to using content marketing strategies. Keeping customers in the loop and giving them precisely what they need at each point in the buying journey will place the business steps ahead of its competitors.
Other Sources: 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14