Updating Email Contact Properties for HubSpot in PHP
Here we will see how we can update the HubSpot contact by using PHP code, if we know only the contact's email.
So let's suppose we have a contact and we have properties such as phone no, premium, amount and we want to update it from our PHP script.
$email = "";
$url = HUBSPOT_API_URL . "/contacts/v1/contact/email/" . $email . "/profile?hapikey=" . HUBSPOT_API_KEY;
$phoneno = 9999112233;
$premium = "YES";
$amount = 5000;
$properties = array();
$properties['properties'][] = array('property' => 'phoneno', 'value' => $phonene);
$properties['properties'][] = array('property' => 'premium', 'value' => $premium);
$properties['properties'][] = array('property' => 'amount', 'value' => $amount);
The $url contains the URL to send the request and $properties contain the structured way of the request body which HubSpot accepts.
Now we can request this data using any platform, curl, drupal_http_request or simple HTTP REST.