Zyxware Technologies takes up dealership of ExpEYES
Zyxware Technologies has always been keen to see technology giving a helping hand to people in their pursuits. This time, through the dealership of ExpEYES, we are looking to provide young scientists and engineers with an inexpensive aid to learn through experimentation. ExpEYES is a hardware and software framework for developing science experiments. It is capable of doing real time measurements and data analysis for a host of science experiments. The ExpEYES is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open. Interested buyers can contact zyxware at 9446069446 or sales@zyxware.com
A major part of scientific activity is that of experimentation. Within experimentation, accuracy of measurements and analysis of data are major challenges. Especially in experiments involving complex signals like sound. Technology has come to the aid of the scientist in meeting some of these challenges. However many of the technology solutions are expensive and beyond the reach of many students of Science. ExpEYES, an open hardware and software framework, developed by Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), Delhi is an inexpensive solution to a part of this problem. ExpEYES is a part of the Phoenix Project of IUAC. (www.iuac.res.in/phoenix/) ExpEYESallows you to measure and transfer the data to a computer for analysis. With ExpEYES, the number of measurements and the intervals between measurements can be programmed accurately.
The early applications of computers in scientific experimentation were mostly for analysis of data. The observations were recorded through different methods depending on the nature of the signal and the data was fed into computers for analysis. In such cases there were limitations on the number of measurements possible, accuracy of intervals between measurements and accuracy of the measurements itself. One way to get around this problem is the use of digital storage oscilloscopes for measurement. This requires converting the signal to be measured into electrical signals and being fed to the oscilloscope. Conversion of the relevant signals to electrical signals is usually done using transducers and then it is fed to the oscilloscope. However a digital storage oscilloscope is fairly expensive (starting at Rs.40,000) taking it out of the reach of most students in Kerala. The ExpEYES Board is an inexpensive alternative to this.
The ExpEYES Board, an open source hardware and software framework, enables conversion of the relevant signal to an electric signal and it can be fed to a computer where it can be observed and measured accurately. Apart from this, certain input signals can also be generated from the ExpEYES Board. The ExpEYES, which comes at a price of around Rs.3,000 along with a desktop/laptop presents an inexpensive way for students of science and engineering disciplines to conduct a host of experiments. As it is an open source project, the hardware design and source code for the software are available on the internet. Also the user can modify the ExpEYES to suit his or her needs.