10 essential modules for building a corporate website with Drupal

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Corporates will find Drupal immensely useful for building their web portfolios. Drupal comes with a good collection of corporate themes as well as a plethora of modules for easy creation and a maintenance of such websites. Here are 10 essential modules for building a corporate website with Drupal. Having Drupal experts to assist you is the fastest way to build a corporate website. We provide a wide range of professional Drupal Services like Drupal Migration Services, Drupal Security Services and Drupal SEO. Contact us to know more


Views is one of the most popular modules in Drupal. Views basically allows you to build queries automatically if the relevant information is provided to it. Views also allows you to display the queried information in the desired format from simple lists to advanced slideshows. Drupal gets most of its functionality from the combined use of Views and the CCK.
Download Drupal Views


CCK allows you to add custom fields to any existing content type in a Drupal site. The standard Drupal content types like story and page provide only two fields to work on. If you want to add a new field, CCK can help you do that without hacking the core. CCK can also be used to create other content types. CCK is a very powerful module whose functionality can be extended by using other modules. The Views module can be used in conjunction with CCK to display the CCK information.
Download Drupal CCK


Another essential module for corporate websites, Token provides token handling functions for other modules in your website. Tokens are small pieces of text that can be placed in documents using placeholders. Tokens are useful in many scenarios. For e.g. If you have to send emails to multiple parties each with a different version of the email, then you can use Token along with another module to replace the placeholder in the email with the token when the mail is send.
Download Drupal Token

Path Auto

Path Auto helps to generate automatic URL aliases for particular content types based on a pattern specified using the token module. The module also gives admins with the functionality to change these patterns at anytime.
Download Path Auto

Global Redirect

This module should be used along with the Clean URLs to see there are no duplicate content on your site. Global Redirect makes sure that a URL in your site is pointing to only one page at a time and that no two URLs are pointing to a single page which makes Search Engines believe that there is duplicate content which is pretty bad SEO.
Download Global Redirect

Web Form

Web Form provides a drag and drop interface to quickly easily create html forms in your website, that can be used for taking surveys, petitions and contests. Webform can also notify users after successful submission via email and notify webmasters of a submission and also provides an interface for webmasters to track their submissions.
Download Drupal Webform

XML Sitemap

XML Sitemap is yet another essential Drupal module for good SEO. It can be used to create a standard XML sitemap which helps Search Engines like Google to crawl your Drupal website effectively leading to better indexing and consequently better page rankings.
Download XML Sitemap


Instead of being greeted by a boring old Search404 page, your users will be greeted with a page consisting of search results generated from the keywords mentioned in the URL if and when they have accessed your site via a broken link or non existent url.
Download Drupal Search404


Drupal has many caching systems which speed up your Drupal website. Caching is unavoidable if you have a lot of anonymous traffic to your website. Boost is a static page caching system in Drupal which retrieves static html pages from a database. It can bring in a significant performance improvement to a Drupal website.
Download Drupal Boost


You do not want your site to go down because of a few spammers. The captcha module provides an effective mechanism to filter out real humans from spambots before they can inundate your webforms with a torrent of requests. The Captcha module provides an easy way to add different types of Captcha tests to all your webforms.
Download Drupal Captcha