[Drupal] Top 10 themes for Drupal 7

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Drupal 7 is now the focus of the Drupal community which was previously reserved for Drupal 6. Drupal 7 now has a lot more themes and theme frameworks which were adapted from the previous versions plus new ones created specifically for it. Have a look at the Top 10 themes for Drupal 7. Also check out the Top 10 themes for Drupal 6. If you need to develop your own custom Drupal theme, feel free to get in touch with us for a free consultation.We also provide numerous other Drupal services like Drupal Third Pary Integration and Drupal SEO.


Zen Drupal Theme

Zen is the ultimate Drupal theme and has been rightly awarded the status of the Best Drupal theme. Zen is extremely powerful while maintaining its simplicity. Zen 7.x-5.x comes built using HTML 5 and Sass, has a responsive layout with a mobile first grid design with support for RTL languages. Zen is also accompanied by a lot of documentation describing the theme.

Download Zen Drupal Theme | View Zen Theme Demo




Omega Drupal Theme

Our next contender is Omega. Omega is an HTML 5 base theme build using the 960 px grid system. Omega has a responsive layout and fully configurable with options for configuring every the size and placement of every region/zone. The theme comes with a number of performance enhancements which makes it one of the best performing themes to date.

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Marinelli Drupal 7 Theme

Marinelli has been around for a long time. It is a good looking theme with a 3 column tableless layout with a wide rotating image banner based on the jquery cycle plugin. Marinelli comes with a top-tabbed primary links system and a mega drop down menu.

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Danland Drupal 6 Theme

Danland comes with 17 collapsible block regions and is notable for having a large customizable image banner. It has a tableless multicolumn layout and a customizable front page plus support for superfish menus. Danland is suitable for corporate websites but can also be used by personal blogs using the danblog subtheme.

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Bluemasters Drupal Theme

BlueMasters comes with a custom front page with 4 block regions, a footer with 4 regions and a total of 12 regions. Bluemasters comes with a 2-column layout for inner pages and 3-column layout for the custom front page. The theme features a prominent JS slideshow for the custom front page and multi level CSS drop down menus.

Download Blue Masters | View Blue Masters Theme Demo

Corporate Clean

Corporate Clean Drupal Theme

Designed with a focus on corporate websites, Corporate Clean comes with a simple and clean design with 11 regions supporting both a 1-column or 2-column layout. It also comes packaged with a JS slideshow based on the jquery cycle plugin. Corporate Clean also features Color Module integration.

Download Corporate Clean | View Corporate Clean Theme Demo

Pixture Reloaded

Pixture Reloaded Drupal Theme

Pixture Reloaded inherits all of the notable features like mobile support and and powerful layout engine of its parent theme - Adaptivetheme. This Drupal 7 theme has 18 preset color schemes and 18 regions plus a 3 and 4 column panel.

Download Pixture Reloaded | View Pixture Reloaded Theme Demo

Acquia Marina

Acquia Marina Drupal 7 theme

Acquia Marina is a subtheme of the Fusion Base Theme. Notable features of the theme include a Bidirectional RTL theming system, a point and click layout, selectable icons and configurable sidebars. The theme requires Fusion and Skinr.

Download Acquia Marina | View Acquia Marina Theme Demo


Corolla Drupal Theme

Corolla is a Drupal theme build using the Adaptive Theme framework and has a fully responsive mobile first design. It has notable features like 6 preset color schemes and custom color options. It comes with 18 regions including a 3 and 4 column panel, configurable layout, box shadow and background texture options.

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Sky Drupal Theme

Sky is yet another subtheme of the Adaptive Theme framework. Like all other subthemes of the Adaptive Theme Framework it is built with mobile devices in mind due the responsive design of its parent theme. Sky comes with 4 preset color schemes and options to change the sidebar layout, width and page width easily. This Drupal 7 theme comes with 17 regions and a 4 column footer.

Download Sky | View Sky Theme Demo