[SOLVED][Drupal Views] Views Admin interface suddenly stops working

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Drupal Views is an incredibly useful module for Drupal users. This means that it will be a frustrating experience if it breaks by any chance. You might encounter a situation where the Views admin interface suddenly stops working leaving you with a broken UI with a flat set of lists with no AJAX and no theme. If you are experiencing a broken Views in your Drupal site and want to know the fix, read on to find out.

This occurs due to a conflict in the JS used by Views and with some other JS file. There are many possible fixes depending on your situation.

  • Firstly. Go to Site Configuration -> Performance and clear cached data.
  • If that does not help try disabling Javascript with Views from the Tools menu.
  • Sometimes it could be that the JS used by another module, a theme or a custom JS is interfering with the one used by Views. Try removing the JS to see if the UI works again.
  • Finally if nothing else works try adding the Jquery Form plugin from http://jquery.malsup.com/form/ which should solve the issue.

Hope that helps.

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