[SOLVED][Drupal CKEditor] Installing CKEditor disables basic UI functionality of other modules
A few Drupal users encountered a situation where when they installed the Drupal CKEditor module, they lost the functionality for the setup options for each module. Installing the CKEditor seemed to disable basic UI functionality in the options page of all the other modules. If you are looking for a fix for such a situation in your Drupal site then continue reading.
Here is the fix.
- Check if you have the Drupal Photos module installed. The error is due to a bug in the photos module.
- Disable the Photos module and it will solve the issue.
- If it is essential to have the Photos module installed and working on your site then replace the entire content of photos.js with the code below.
Drupal.behaviors.photos = function (context) {
v = $(this).parent().siblings('.photos_block_sub_body');
ck = $(this);
if(url = $(this).attr('alt')){
$.getJSON(url, function(json){
var h = '';
for(i = 0; i < json.count; i++){
h += '<a href="' + json[i].link + '"><img src="' +json[i].url+ '" title="' +json[i].filename+ '"/></a>';
ck.attr('alt', '');
$(".edit-del-all input[@type='checkbox']").attr('checked', true);
$(".edit-del-all input[@type='checkbox']").attr('checked', false);
$('textarea, input, select', $('.edit-del-all').parents('tr')).not(this).attr('disabled', false).removeClass('photos_check');
$(this).children('.photos_imagehtml_thickbox').css('display', 'block');
$(this).children('.photos_imagehtml_thickbox').css('display', 'none');
$('.edit-del-all input').click(function(){
var $$ = $(this);
u = $(this).attr('href');
url = u.split('destination=');
var c = $(this).hasClass('photos-vote-up');
$.getJSON(url[0], function(json){
if(json.count > 0){
if(c) {
}else {
$('.photos-vote-sum_' + $$.attr('alt')).text(json.sum + ' / ' +json.count);
alert(Drupal.t('Operation failed.'));
$$.removeClass('photos-vote-load').attr('href', '#');
return false;
$('#photos_share li').hover(function(){
$('#photos_share_ul li select.photos_share_select_val').change(function(){
$(this).parents('li')[ $(this).val() != 0 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('photos_share_selected');
var alt = $(this).attr('alt');
var text = '';
$('#photos_share_ul li select.photos_share_select_val').each(function(){
if($(this).val() != 0){
if(alt == 'ubb'){
text += '[photo=image]id=' + $(this).attr('alt') + '|label=' + $('option:selected', this).text() + '[/photo]\n';
text += '<a href="' + $(this).parents('li').attr('alt') + '"><img src="' + $('option:selected', this).val() + '" title="' + $(this).parents('li').attr('title') + '"/></a>\n';
return false;
$('input.image-quote-link, .photos_share_textarea').click(function(){
$('input.photos-p').change(function() {
i = 0;
$('input.photos-p,input.photos-pp').each(function() {
if($(this).attr("checked")) {
t = $(this).val().split('&&&');
img = '<a class="image-quote" href="http://' + window.location.host +'/photos/image/' + t[2] + '">' + '<img alt="' + t[1] + '" src="' + t[0] + '" /></a>\n';
inval = $('#edit-insert').val();
$('#edit-insert').val(inval + img).select();
if(i > 0) {
$('.photo-msg').text(Drupal.t('Please copy the above code.')).show(500);
return false;
var atext = [Drupal.t('Save'), Drupal.t('Cancel'), Drupal.t('Being updated...'), Drupal.t('Click to edit')];
$('.jQueryeditable_edit_filename, .jQueryeditable_edit_des').hover(function(){
$('.jQueryeditable_edit_filename').editable('/photos/image', {width: '50%', submit : atext[0], cancel : atext[1], indicator : atext[2], tooltip: atext[3], loadtype: 'POST'}, function(){
return false;
$('.jQueryeditable_edit_des').editable('/photos/image', {height: 140, submit : atext[0], cancel : atext[1], indicator : atext[2],tooltip: atext[3], type: 'textarea', loadtype: 'POST'}, function(){
return false;
d = $(this).attr('alt');
$.get($(this).attr('href'), {go: 1}, function(v){
if(v == 1){
alert(Drupal.t('Delete failure'));
return false;
function select_hide(t, dom){
case '0':
case '1':
$('.photos-form-count, .photos-form-slide', dom).hide(300);
case '2':
$('.photos-form-count', dom).show(300);
$('.photos-form-slide', dom).hide(300);
case '3':
$('.photos-form-slide', dom).show(300);
$('.photos-form-count', dom).hide(300);
Hope that helps.
The easiest way to solve a Drupal issue is to hand it to the Drupal experts. We can provide a wide range of Drupal services to help you maintain and manage your Drupal websites. Get in touch with us to know more.
Reference: http://drupal.org/node/1565884
Zyxware is a leading Drupal development company with a team of high expertise in Drupal custom module development services since 2006.