[SOLVED][Drupal Colorbox][Drupal 6] Colorbox is not working on the site

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Many Drupal users have reported that Colorbox was not working on their site. If you are facing the same issue with Colorbox in your Drupal site then read on to find out the possible solutions.

Here is the possible fix.

  • First check if you have the Colorbox module installed and enabled.
  • Check if you have installed the Colorbox plugin in /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/colorbox (Notice the two colorboxes!!)
  • Also check if you have installed version 2.x of the jQuery Update module as version 1.x will not work with Colorbox
  • Just download it, disable the existing jquery_update module and then enable the new one.
  • If the above steps don't solve the problem check if your site has the following lines in the head tags on your pages.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/all/libraries/colorbox/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js?c"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery.min.js?c"></script>
  • Try loading them on your site and also check whether the Colorbox plugin is at least 1.3.6 and jQuery version is 1.3.2.
  • A Drupal user has also reported going to settings/jquery_update and selecting Production (Minified) got things working
  • If it is still not working inspect the image links assigned to Colorbox to see if they have class = colorbox-load and make sure you have checked "Enable Colorbox Load in the settings page
  • Hope that helps.

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