[SOLVED][Drupal Errors] "Page Not Found" error when trying to access a subdirectory

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Many Drupal users were getting a "Page Not Found" error when trying to access a subdirectory in their Drupal site. If you are encountering the same error in your Drupal 6 website then read onto find out the fix.

You will get a Page Not found Drupal error page if you attempt to create a subdirectory inside the Drupal directory that requires authentication with .htacess instead of the page you were expecting. Follow the instructions below to fix the issue.

  • You should add the following line to the .htaccess file of the sub-directory (not the Drupal .htaccess file) you are trying to access
ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized"
  • This should take care of the issue by rewriting the default 401 error so that it is not intercepted by Drupal.
  • Hope that helps.

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