[SOLVED][Drupal Errors] 406 Error when XMLRPC is used

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Many Drupal users were getting 406 Error when XMLRPC was used on their Drupal site when trying to access the features of the BlogAPI module. If you are faced with the same error in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution.

This error usually occurs if your hosting provider disables xmlrpc.php scripts to prevent security holes in older versions of XMLRPC libraries. Here are the possible workarounds.

  • Firstly you can ask your provider to turn off the security measure which is not very effective in the first place.
  • The second choice is to rename the xmlrpc.php file. (This is not advised as it will make upgrading a hassle).
  • You will have to alter the modules which use the file to point to the new file.
  • For the BlogAPI module the code can be found on line 560 as shown below.
$xmlrpc = $base_url .'/'. 'xmlrpc.php';

Hope that helps.

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