[Drupal] How to display contents as text scroller in Drupal sites?

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If you want to display large amount of content in a page on your site then using text scrollers would be one of the best methods. For example if you have lot of news and events to be displayed in a site, then using text scroller will allow the user to scroll over all the data.This can be easily implemented using views and jcarousel module. Read on to know how to display contents as text scroller in Drupal sites?.

Follow the following steps:

  • Enable views and jcarousel module.
  • Create a view in admin/structure/views/add.
  • Set the format to be jCarousel.
  • Disable the "Use pager" option.
  • In settings for jCarousel
    • Select the number of items to be displayed at time in "Number of visible items" option.
    • You can select number of items to be scrolled at a time in "Scroll" option.
    • You can set autoscrolling by specifying the time after which the content have to be scrolled in "Auto-scroll after" option.If it is set to zero then autoscrolling effect is turned off.
    • In advanced option you can set the Animation speed,Easing effect and Start position.
    • If you want the carousel to appear in vertical orientation then check the vertical checkbox in Advanced option.

In this way you can create scrollable text region in your site,you can display the views contents in a seprate page or as a block in a page.Hope this helps.