Exploring new business generation through social media marketing and a general content strategy

| | 3 min read

In the last year or so we have been in the process of transitioning from a small business to a medium size business. With over 50 people in the rolls it was time we moved away from a bunch of people working with and around a single individual to a more structured organizaiton. As part of this transition we have been looking to change gears on our marketing initiatives. For the first time since we started our business we now have a business development team and we have active business development activities going on. However we have not really tapped into the potential of the web and specifically the social media.

I have been doing a lot of reading on the net on how to successfully reach out and leverage on the social media. Most of the content in the space is generated by social media marketers and web marketing companies and therefore are very generic in nature or very high level in detail. Everything looks all good and nice but when it comes to the implementation of these ideas you are kind of clueless.

As a company we have been following an open documentation policy for the documentation that we create internally. Although this might look very altruistic it does pay to be open. For example as of writing this article we get around 2500 visitors per day on our website and all because we have published all our technical notes and documentation as articles on our website. A significant percentage of our business is generated through leads from our website.

Now coming to the social media strategy - I know for sure that it has to work. If it does not, then you wouldn't have all these companies investing into these heavily and there wouldn't be all these people who claim to have it work for them. So I am going to put my stakes on this strategy and try to build a coherent web strategy in line with our marketing strategy. I just have to figure out how all of these things work as pieces and how all of these fits together.

As with other things I do, I will be documenting my experiments in the social media / web marketing space and will be sharing my findings and my understanding with the rest of the world out there hoping that somebody out there would benefit from the information I share.

You will be able to follow my journey by following our profile on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/zyxware. You could always come back and visit our site for updates as well. I will also be discussing a lot about this on LinkedIn. You can follow me on LinkedIn to keep a tab of that - http://linkedin.com/in/anoopjohn