Cases to be tested when user receives an Order Confirmation mail

| | 2 min read

Suppose you are testing a drupal website which sells random products. One of the cases you will have to consider is the e-mail invoice which the purchaser recieves after the purchase. In this article, I am going to share the test cases that you have to consider while testing the order verification mail.

The cases are:

  1. Ensure that user receives order confirmation mail from the site.
  2. Ensure that the received mail is displaying in the "Inbox" of user mail account.
  3. Ensure that the Order Confirmation mail contains the login credentials when an anonymous user purchases a product from the site(if this is enabled in the site).
  4. Ensure that the user is able to login to the site with these credentials.
  5. Ensure that the informations that are given for purchasing the product are showing correctly.
    ie, Email address, Billing address, Billing phone, Shipping address, Shipping phone etc are showing correctly.
  6. Ensure that the 'Payment Method' is showing in the mail.
  7. Ensure that order summary is displaying in the mail.
    ie, "order number, Order date, Shipping method, Products subtotal, Shipping cost, Total amount for this order" are displaying correctly.
  8. Ensure that the purchased product name and its quantity are displaying correctly.
  9. Ensure that the contents in the mail followed proper spacing and alignment.

Follow all the above cases when you are testing an'Order Confirmation mail'. Also note that eventhough I have tried my best to generalise, the case may vary upon the project platform.