[Drupal] How to show a custom form and a view in a same page

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You may be familiar with creating custom forms and creating custom views. But are you familiar with displaying a view according to the submission of your custom form and that too in the same page? If you want to know how you can do this, you may read on.

step 1: In order to display a content using views, you need to have a content type. 
        Suppose you have a content type named 'sample' with fields name(machine-name:title) and email(machine-name:field_e_mail).

step 2: Create a page view of 'sample' content type.

step 3: Create a menu using which you need to show the page.
         For Eg: I am using the menu add/user
         * Implements hook_menu().
         function hook_menu() {
           $items = array();
           $items['add/user'] = array(
              'title' => 'Add user ',
              'description' => '',
              'page callback' => 'MYMODULENAME_custom_page_display', //custom function to display the page.
              'access arguments' => array('PERMISSION NAME'),  // You can give permission if you want.
              'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
           return $items;
step 4 : Create a custom form.
         This step includes creating custom form, its submission function, theme function(if any) and validation function.
         As an example I'll show you a sample form and its submission function.
         * Custom form.
         function MYMODULENAME_sample_form($form, &$form_state) { 
            $form['name'] = array(
              '#type' => 'textfield',
              '#title' => t('Name'),
              '#required' => TRUE,
              '#size' => 10,
            $form['email'] = array(
              '#type' => 'textfield',
              '#title' => t('Email'),
              '#required' => TRUE,
              '#size' => 10,
            $form['submit'] = array(
              '#type' => 'submit',
              '#value' => 'Submit',
            return $form;
          In the submit function I am going to save these values as a new node of 'sample' content-type, so that you can see these values in the view.
          * defines user form submit.
          function MYMODULENAME_sample_form($form, &$form_state) { 
            global $user;
            $node =  new stdClass();
            $node->type = 'sample'; //machine name of created content type.
            $node->title = $form_state['values']['name'];
            $node->field_e_mail['und'][0]['value'] = (string)$form_state['values']['email'];
            $node->promote = 1;
            $node->language = 'und';
            $node->status =1; 
            $node->uid = $user->uid;
  step 5 : Define the page function
           Now that we have our form and view, we can define the page function which we've declared inside the menu hook.
           * The below function displays a page which is embeded with custom sample form and the view.
           function MYMODULENAME_custom_page_display() {
            //Calling the sample form.
            $output = render(drupal_get_form('MYMODULENAME_sample_form')); // Calling the form
            //Programatically calling a view which is already created.
            $output .= views_embed_view('sample_list','page'); // the first argument is the machine name of view and second is its display name.
            return $output;

If you have followed the above steps, by using the menu 'add/user', you will be able to see the form and the view in the same page. And if you try to submit the form, you can see the value you entered in your view below.