[Drupal] How to configure custom reports using webform views

| | 2 min read

Webform has inbuilt functionality to provide reports for the data submitted. The datas submitted to the webform can be setted to a limit or can be unlimited with respect to the feedbacks needed to be collected.To implement custom reports page using webform views, we need to get the web-form submissions data value by installing the following modules

  • Webform MySQL Views
  • Data module
  • Schema module

Follow the below procedure to create views from webform submissions:

  • First got to admin/content/webform.
    >> To add mysql view for the webform,check the box next to your webform and submit
  • Now the next step is to make the Data module adopt this view so it would be recognized by Views module.
    >> For the same open the admin page at Administration » Structure » Data tables (or /admin/structure/data/adopt). Select the view from "Orphaned Tables" list and hit "Adopt" button.
  • Goto /admin/structure/data click onedit link
  • But you have to add Joins for the same, you can add joins for multiple field.
    >> Now you are opened with Join field which contains select box for the tables and there corresponding fields.
    >> Select the field webform_submissions table sid.
    >> Add left join and Submit the form.
    >> Now you are joined with the webform_submissions table.
  • Next go to admin/structure/views and then submit the form click on "Save".

All the fields are available on the webform views by doing the above.