[Drupal] How to use Drupal quiz module ?

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In Drupal there is a lot of interesting modules. One of interesting module is the quiz.module. It is a framework for create interactive quizzes for your visitors. Also it allows for the creation of questions of different types, and to collect the questions into quizzes.

The module is mainly two types:

  • 1. quiz.module (Quiz module itself)
  • 2. multichoice.module (Various question types)

The first one is Quiz Question module and at least one question type module are required to be both installed and enabled for this module to function properly.

The requirements for enabling this module is:

  • Drupal 6.x
  • PHP 5.1 (for OOP code introduced in Quiz 3.0)
  • MySQL 5

How to configuring Quiz module?

  • Step:1

    Install and enable the quiz module.

    Also enable some modules listed in module list. It is some quiz questions type sub modules. It is which type of question we want in our quiz. So it also we will enable as our quiz type like.

    • Drag and drop with lines for Quiz:Drag and drop with lines question type for quiz.
    • Long Answer:This provides long answer (essay, multi-paragraph) question types for use by the Quiz module.
    • Matching question:Provide a way to create matching type of questions.
    • Quiz Direction:Provide a slot to add directions for a quiz or some sub-portion of a quiz.
    • Quiz Multichoice: Multiple choice question type for quiz.
    • Short Answer:Short answer question type for Quiz.
    • True FALSE:Module to create True or FALSE Kind of Questions
    • Scale:Scale question type for quiz.
  • Step:2

    Add_content have an option for add question with different types.

    • Go to Add Content > Quiz.
    • Enter a Title for your quiz.
    • See 4 groups of options for the quizzes:
    • Taking options
    • Result comments
    • Pass/fail options
    • Availability options
  • Step:3

    In administration menu there is a new menu called Quiz is found. In that there is Quiz settings and Quiz reports and scoring are available.

  • Step:4

    In Quiz settings there is an option for setting marks, model of quiz for making questions etc... and Quiz reports and scoring is for long & short answer questions settings. In this lot's of interesting settings like are there like IQ level.

    Here also we can linked all questions and create a long questions with different pattern of questions.

  • Step:5

    Finally we can set the quiz page for quiz. It's very useful for online quiz competition and aptitude tests etc...

The Quiz module have some Administrative features:

  • Assign feedback to responses to help point out places for further study
  • Supports multiple answers to quiz questions (on supporting question types)
  • Limit the number of takes users are allowed
  • Extensibility allows for additional question types to be added
  • Permissions (create/edit)
  • Randomize questions during the quiz
  • Assign only specific questions from the question bank

And some User features:

  • Create/edit own quizzes if have 'create quizzes' permission
  • Take a quiz if have 'view quizzes' permissions and receive scores
