Test cases for honeypot and spam bot on a Drupal sites

| | 2 min read

Email spamming, in simple words misusing the emails of a website is a common concern today. There are many ways by which this malpractice could be prevented. You might be familiar with 'captcha', one of the method used to prevent spamming. (For test cases for captcha refer: http://www.zyxware.com/articles/3308/websoftware-testing-checklists-cap…).
Drupal provides some modules like Spambot, Honeypot etc for blocking spam.

In this article I have added test cases for ensuring the working of Honeypot and Spambot on a drupal website.


  • Ensure that the Honeypot module installation. (by checking the configuration->modules).
  • Make element visible by changing display: none to display: block to make sure that the module works
  • Ensure that on entering values on text field (hidden field) and submitting the form throws an error message.
  • Check the Recent Log Entries to make sure it lists logs blocked during submission.
  • Ensure that the form submitted using valid email addresses (not spam) is successfully getting submitted.


  • Black listed email addresses used for form submission would be reported as spam (An open site http://www.stopforumspam.com/
    provides a list of blacklisted email addresses).
  • Ensure that the added spam is getting reported by checking the recent log messages (/admin/reports/dblog).

Since spamming is a major concern to the security aspects of a website, it is always advisable to install these modules on websites. Hope this article helps.
Feel free to add your thoughts or more cases if any.