Why should your website be mobile ready?

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Most companies use techniques, such as Internet ads, social media, SEO, and video marketing for their marketing needs and to connect with their consumers. However, businesses lose out on a significant portion of consumers when they neglect mobile websites, an important component of their marketing strategy. Mobile ads constitute one-fourth of the total amount spent in digital marketing. Listed below are the reasons why you should have a mobile ready website.

Consumers use Mobile Internet

When compared to desktops and laptops, consumers spend 60 percent of the time online using mobile devices. The number of people who prefer to surf the Internet through mobiles and tablets are on the rise. These people will have a really bad user experience if they have to pinch and zoom to read the content in your website.

Purchasing goods using mobile apps have hit a record high and is still increasing. it is important that if you want your product to be sold online, you should build an app for your business.

Mobile Traffic Growth

Mobile data traffic is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 45% between 2013 and 2019. It’s estimated that by 2019, the amount of total mobile data traffic will be 10 times more. Source: Ericsson Mobility Report.

Mobile web presence is all set to become important in the future, and businesses need to start working on developing mobile web presence immediately.

Mobile Searches and Action

A study by iAcquire, a digital firm specializing in SEO,Social media and Inbound marketing, shows that 70% of mobile searches lead to action on a website within one hour of search being made. This suggests that users searching from mobiles are more motivated to pursue the task than people using search engines from computers.

This shows how important a mobile friendly website is. In fact, you might be missing out a lot in case someone accesses your website from his cell phone and finds it difficult to get your contact information from your desktop website. This figure is also a reflection of how effective mobile advertisements can be, and how you can use mobile apps to expand your business.

Domination by Mobile Apps

46% of shoppers say they are less likely to shop around for other options if they’re using a company’s mobile app. This data has been compiled from a survey of the shopping behavior of more than 3,000 U.S. online shoppers. Source: comScore

Mobile apps are trusted by users and someone having your app is less likely to go in for what your competitors have to offer. So if you have an app, put extra effort to market it well and get more downloads, and if you do not have an app, develop one. Do keep in mind that this is not applicable for all businesses.

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