Which is effective: Website or a Social media Page?

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There is a common misconception that a social media page and a website are interchangeable. Infact, what a business needs is powerful web presence. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of websites as well as social media pages, and find out which is more effective.

Advantages of Websites

A website gives you full control to alter or modify or adjust even the minutest details in your website, everything ranging from the look and feel to its features. You can pull this through with a free website as well as fancy and costly ones. Your unique website is available round-the-clock for those who wish to find it.

As consumers look for information about your business from online sources, having a website builds better credibility for your business. Your website serves as an online brochure and provides them all the information they seek.

When it comes to marketing, a website not only gives more leeway to market your business but also includes an array of marketing features such as videos, customer reviews, blogs, and special promotional offers.

Disadvantages of Websites

Website maintenance is very important. When the size of the site increases, it becomes more difficult and time consuming to keep the website updated. As the website becomes more complex, it becomes even tougher to design and maintain. Moreover, website maintenance also becomes a costly affair.

A marketing strategy is required to promote traffic to your website and this could mean a lot of work.

Advantages of Social Media Pages

Building relationships through social media is as easy as setting up a social media page. You can even discard your social media page in case you do not find it worthwhile. The casual and humanizing forms of interaction with consumers are effective as well as easy to attain.

Free and quick to set up, social media pages can come handy for your branding needs. Through your activities, updates and responses on the page, consumers get to know more about the company’s values, mission and vision. This in turn help in achieving loyalty and enhances your brand.

Disadvantages of Social Media Pages

With social media pages, you lack ownership. You have to oblige to the rules of the social media platform in every step you take. You are constrained by design limitations and limited features.

As it is an open forum, consumers can post whatever they feel like on your page and some messages can harm your business. This needs to be monitored.

As we can see, both websites and social media pages have their advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of one can be overcome by the other. It is not whether a social media page or website is effective, but the fact that your business needs both a website and a social media page to create an effective web presence.