A simple template for Test Coverage Report

| | 2 min read

Are you looking for a method to measure your test coverage? Are you finding it difficult to give an exact percentage of your testing? If so here is a simple template for you to calculate the test coverage. As we know, test coverage is the amount of testing performed. It could be calculated as below:

(Number of test cases executed/Total number of test cases) X 100%

Test coverage report, maintained to get the status of the testing process like the number of passed and failed test cases (out of the cases executed), the status of bugs etc. Apart from calculating the test coverage, the report helps the testers to make sure that all the test cases / requirements covered.

Title : Test coverage report

Project: < Project code and name>


Work pack <Mention the work pack>
Planned date for testing <Mention the date as per the project plan.>
Actual date for testing <Mention the actual date on which the testing happened (there can be change in date due to some risk).>
Total test cases executed
No: of cases passed
No: of cases failed
Bugs in progress
Bugs awaiting approval <Bug which needs confirmation / feedback from client.>
No: of closed bugs
%coverage <Number of test cases executed/Total number of test cases) X 100.>
Remarks <Add comments if any.>

You can change the fields on this report based upon your need. Hope this template helps. Happy testing!