How can web presence be used to target a larger audience?

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According to estimates, as of July 2014, the Internet is used by over 2.8 billion people, out of which 70 percent use it on a daily basis. Studies show that the number of Internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. These figures are enough to convince a smart person to have their own spot in cyberspace.

Local Businesses and the Internet

By setting up a website, you can take advantage of the ever growing online audience to boost your business. A study by ReachLocal has shown that 85% consumers search for local businesses online before they contact an organization. Lack of an effective web presence reduces your chance of getting leads. The same study shows that 25 percent of local organizations providing the service does not even show up in the search results. If you are one of them, you need to do something about it now!

Impact of Search Engines

92 percent Internet users use search engines regularly and almost three quarters of the population get easily convinced by the information which the search engine provides them, irrespective of the information being true or false. A huge number of the web-using potential clients rely on information provided by the search engines to make their decisions. This is why you need to set up a website which is search engine optimized so as to generate leads from search engines. A strong presence in search engine results can generate a massive flow of leads to your business. Search engine rankings matter a lot; in fact, a majority of people do not scroll past the first page of search results. So, in order to make the most out of search engines, you should strive to get your website to the top of the search results.

Social Media Presence

The past 7 years witnessed a 712 percent increase in the number of social media users. It is estimated that 66 percent of Internet users use at least one form of social network. With the rise in use of social media platforms, it is important that your business also manages to fit in. A strong presence in social media networks not only allows you to interact with the audience but also gives you an opportunity to impress them. Facebook has over 955 million active monthly users worldwide. In other words, whoever your target audience is, they are on Facebook. Thus, Facebook is a good place to start your social media campaign.

The three factors discussed above shows you why web presence is important for your business and how it can help you find a larger audience.

Zyxware can help you establish a strong web presence. Feel free to contact us and get a free quote.