Hackerspace to organize 'Code for Fun' in partnership with Zyxware Technologies and SPACE

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Hackerspace is organizing 'Code for Fun', a one-day workshop for children from class 5-7, on 30 March 2015, from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m at SPACE, C11, Elankom Gardens, Vellayambalam. The workshop, held in partnership with SPACE (Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment) and Zyxware Technologies, provides kids the opportunity to learn how to create digital programs and acts as a platform to learn, share and showcase their hidden technical skills.

The workshop involves several sessions in which children are taught how to create applications for desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets. The club sessions cover a host of topics - the basics of a computer and the operating system, how to write their own operating program, basic interactive tool "scratch" that introduces students to logic, algorithms and interfacing to external devices (GPIO) and how to use python, web programming (javascripts) - that complement school curriculum and accelerate the learning capabilities of students. In addition, the sessions also offer students a comprehensive insight into the underlying science and programming in the basic computer applications such as MS-Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.

About Hackerspace

Hackerspace is essentially a community-operated workspace that offers people with common interests in computers, technology, science, digital art or electronic art the opportunity to meet, socialize and collaborate. Hackerspaces conducts presentations, workshops, and lectures, generally functioning as centres for peer learning and knowledge sharing. Hackerspaces often actively participate in the development of free software, open hardware, and alternative media.