Tips for writing an attractive web copy

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When writing web content, you should picture the prospective customer reading your text. Treat your web visitors just like people who are fond of reading printed text. However, there is one thing you need to remember: web copy is entirely different from print copy and web copy is often scanned or may be glanced at, but not essentially read.

Your web visitors are always on the lookout for information related to products or services. Hence, they need to make faster decisions. So how can you compel your web visitors to take action?

Writing simple yet informative copy is really hard. Don’t consider your web visitors as academics who are passionate about reading complicated texts. Instead make your web content simple, short, clear and focused.

Given below are some important tips to write compelling copy for the web.

Place the most relevant information first: Writing content for the web is completely different from writing an essay. The most important point i.e. information that’s significant for your web visitors should always come first. So provide them noteworthy information on what you do, what you can do for them and then maybe a bit of background information. Give your customers the big picture first.

Don’t try to be too creative: Unlike print, in web, a reader does not have much time to go through the content in a detailed manner. Hence, simple statements generally work best. Avoid clever phrasing and keep your web content as simple, easy-to-understand and clear as possible.

Present the information clearly: Research indicates that only 16% of people thoroughly read web pages. In fact, most people merely scan the page. Hence, to retain the attention of the readers, your headline should clearly communicate what you’re talking about, sub-headlines must summarize the major points, the images should convey a powerful sales message and use bullet points to present the information in a clear and concise manner.

Use words that are familiar to people: Do not embellish your content with technical jargons or complicated, extensive vocabulary. Use simple, familiar words that readers can understand.

Your copy must be easy to read: To enhance the readability of your web copy, follow these tips:

  • Always use brief paragraphs
  • Keep the sentences short
  • Avoid unnecessary words
  • Avoid technical or scientific jargons
  • Avoid passive voice
  • Avoid unnecessary repetition
  • Always address your web visitors directly using the word 'you'
  • Edit your text and make it concise

Attract potential customers: Lure prospective customers to your website by offering them useful information.

  • Give answers to the questions your potential customers might ask/are asking
  • Discuss one important topic for each page
  • Incorporate links to important pages on your own website or other websites
  • Use phrases and words that your potential customers are searching for.

Build a visual impression: The visual appeal of your website has considerable influence on the readability of your text.

Here a few tips to enhance the visual appeal of your web copy:

  • Use more photographs or videos instead of text
  • Use different font sizes – consider people scanning large text first
  • Add quotes of customers to ensure credibility
  • Use highlights, bold text, CAPS, or italics where ever required.
  • Always break a long headline into a simple, concise headline with a sub headline
  • If you have paragraphs with lots of text, break it into bullet points.
  • Add more white space. This improves the readability of the text and also enhances your perceived trust.

Zyxware offers you a host of content development services including website content, blogs, articles, case studies, whitepapers, solution briefs and press releases to cater to your business needs. Our blogs and articles are optimized for search engines, and we position them in such a way that it generates more traffic to your website, enhances online visibility and increases the number of leads. We also offer you reports to help you determine the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Our model enables you to efficiently manage the content lifecycle from ideation and research to content development and publishing. If you wish to avail any of our content development services, please get in touch with us.