How to insert a comment in Selenium IDE?

| | 2 min read

Selenium IDE is an Automation testing tool that provide Record/Playback tool for testing website. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is a Firefox Add-On and allows recording, editing and debugging test. Usually Screen shot are taken for all type of application testing such as Web based, Product base etc. The reason for taking screen shot during testing is that, we can capture screen information easily when an error occurs in an application. Tester will manually take screen shot of the required page with the help of Plugin/Add-On in Manual testing.

In the case of Selenium IDE, we can insert comment in two ways. The first method is that Right click on the command in Selenium IDE and select "Inert New Comment". Then space will be created above the command line we can enter the comment in that command field. We can easily identify the comment from the set of commands by difference in the text color.

Another method is that If you want to comment an existing line then select source tab from the Selenium IDE window, Select the line which you want to comment then add syntax of the comment in the source code.

For example if you want to comment open command then follow the syntax as mentioned below


Hope this article helps you to insert a comment in Selenium IDE