Tips for great copy writing for email marketers

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Emailer is an effective tool for content marketing. A compelling copy can help in sales conversions. The quality of the content, the way the brand is positioned and the customer is engaged are some of the factors that can make or break the deal.

Remember, the sole purpose of copy writing is sale. If it does not sell, no matter how creative or innovative your copy is, it is of no worth. The content for email marketing has to be firstly eye catching, informative, engaging, persuasive and should have the potential to convert into sale.

The factors that lead to a successful email campaign are as follows:

A catchy subject line: The subject line of your e-mailer is your first touch point with your customer. It has to be brief, to the point and address the concerns of your target customer. It must be short, extending not more than 50 characters and should encapsulate the entire crux of the rest of the mail content, thereby setting a pace and tone that is carried out in the entire body of the email. It should be able to connect with the customer and create excitement and curiosity so that the reader clicks on it to read more. Make sure that the subject line carries the most vital information that connects your product with the customer.

The right mix of information and promotion in the email copy: Ideally, the copywriter has to create a balance between information and promotion. As the aim of the email marketing content is to promote a product or introduce some deals or discounts, the content of the e-mailer should lead to that point through information that motivates the readers to try the product or the special offers.

Engage your readers through your e-mailer: The success of social media has proved one thing. That is, interactive channels are any day more successful than other marketing verticals. And it is solely because the user gets engaged. They get to contribute their ideas and views. So it is worth implementing tools like user review, case study, Q & As and user-contributed content.

Call for action: One of the biggest mistakes that email marketers do is infesting the entire body copy with repeated 'call for action'. This makes the customer confused. Also abrupt call for action at the end of every paragraph causes distraction. It could even make the reader click the close button. Hence, it is advisable to use the call for action sparingly and wisely at places where it is most likely to get clicked. Put yourselves into the shoes of the customer and think at which point you are most likely to click the call for action link. This will help you to understand the users psyche and eventually help you to materialize a deal through your email content.

Benefits vs features in email marketing

Apart from the placement for call for action, you need to understand, whether the information you are providing introduces the reader to what they want or need. Talk about the convenience and ease it will bring to them. Talk to them about the benefits instead of the features of your product.

At the end of the day, everything boils down to whether you can connect with your customer or not. Technology has made it easy for marketers to reach their clients and assess the best way to engage them through brand promotions. Email marketing has proved to be one of the major traffic drivers these days. If used effectively, it can open up umpteen opportunities for businesses.

Zyxware provides you an array of Content marketing services, including articles, blogs, press releases, viral marketing content and promotional web content tailored to meet the requirements our clients. We have a talented, qualified and highly experienced pool of copywriters in our team who can create informative and engaging copies targeted at your audience. Avail our content marketing services and get your business on the fast track with greater search engine rankings and greater conversion rates.

For more information on our Content marketing services, please contact us.