What is branding & key tips for building a successful brand

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You have a product and you want to sell it. So you should have the answer to some of the vital questions. What is your product? How will you sell it? Who you want to sell it to? Why you want to sell it? Where you want to sell it? The answer to all these questions lies in effective branding.

What is branding?

Branding helps you to define your product, target audience, and its unique selling proposition. When you have achieved all the above points, you have to find a way to connect with your target audience. For that you need a face of your product that speaks to your target audience - This could be your logo and tagline that engages your customers and pulls it towards your product. And once you have zeroed in on your logo and tagline, you have achieved the first leg of brand building. But wait! This is not all. Rather it is just the beginning.

Why is branding important?

One thing that is crucial to businesses of any size, pertaining to any sector and the biggest differentiator in the market is branding. It helps your customers to identify with your product or services according to their needs or wants. What to expect from you? How your product is different from the numerous products available in the market?

It is pertinent for every business to know about their product as well as identify the future potential of the same. This needs to be effectively communicated to target customers. Your brand development procedure also helps you to identify what you are at present and what you aspire to be in the future.

What goes into building a successful brand?

An effective communication to the target audience is the very essence of branding strategy. So what are the elements that go into it? Let’s find out:


Logo is the first and basic foundation of your brand. It is the first visual element that connects with the customer. So it is important to design the logo that would be the right visual portrayal of your product. However, as opposed to the popular belief that designing a good logo is the be all and end all of branding, it is just the beginning of the road.


The tag line is an integral part of the visual element and eventually helps in brand positioning. A tagline is the message of the brand that emotionally connects and engages with the customer. If you have the right logo and the tag line, you have already communicated about your product to your customer.

Mission and Vision:

After determining the visual elements, it is time to define your purpose. Mission and vision forms an integral part of brand communication. Mission is nothing but the promise you make to your target customers. So now that you have established a relationship with your customers through your logo, tagline and mission, you need to tell them where this relationship is headed to. Vision is a future proposition that helps your customers to understand what to expect from you in the long-term.

Living up to your brand:

It is very easy to get a great logo, tagline and make tall promises through your mission and vision statement. However, it is difficult to live up to the promise. The first leg of the brand communication involves the aforementioned elements; however the rest involves a lifetime of commitment towards your product as well as your customers. Branding involves every bit of your business, right from how your sales person conducts themselves with potential customers to how your customer care executive answers the phone call to your presence in social media to every single detail that is associated with the brand. It is very important to keep the promise. So be true to the brand and make sure all the marketing collateral and every gesture of your employees bear the essence of the brand. And most importantly, be consistent. Only then will you be able to build a winning brand.

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