5 reasons why Drupal is the best CMS for building an SEO-friendly website

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Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) plays a vital role in deciding the future of any business, especially online businesses. Search engine results are responsible for driving traffic to websites and the results which are displayed on the first page are the most attractive to users like us.

To achieve the top search engine rankings, the content on the webpage needs to be SEO-friendly. So no matter how cool your website looks or how user-friendly it is, if you want to draw in the maximum number of online visitors, your website has to be SEO-friendly.

There are several ways in which the content can be SEO-optimized. A Content Management System (CMS) is very necessary to ensure proper SEO optimization. There are plenty of CMSs like Jhoomla, Wordpress and Drupal, among which Drupal is the most favoured CMS for websites all over the world.

Here are 5 reasons why Drupal is the best CMS for creating a SEO-friendly website:

SEO-friendly URLs: URLs are very important for driving traffic because search engines look for keywords in these URLs. A major advantage of using Drupal is that you can create individual URLs for the different content you create instead of one common URL. These individual URLs are referred to as URL aliases.

Highly effective Taxonomy: Categorization is a piece of cake with Drupal’s in built taxonomy. You can create content and tag individual content with keyword terms. Categorization is very much required to make the content reader-friendly. In short, Drupal’s flexible and simple-to-use taxonomy makes your webpage SEO-friendly.

Page Titles: Page titles are as important as URLs because:

  • A keyword rich page title grabs the attention of the search engine
  • It informs the reader about the page
  • It is displayed in search engine results
  • Drupal page title module can automatically create search engine friendly titles for your webpage. It can also create titles for the different
  • individual nodes (content) after analysing each node

Easy revision options: Every web page needs to have fresh content updated regularly to be search engine friendly. Google’s content analysis algorithms rank websites on the basis of fresh content. In Drupal, it is easy for users to go back and revise the content to add in new keywords, and to publish new content.

SE0 modules in Drupal core: Drupal core offers a fabulous framework for structuring different content and for preventing duplicate content. Nodewords, path redirect, Search 404 and Path/Auto path are some of the SEO modules in Drupal that can make your website SEO-friendly.

Over the years, Zyxware has been actively building SEO-friendly Drupal websites for several clients from different industry verticals. When it comes to achieving higher search engine rankings, we can guarantee that there is no other CMS that can stands close to Drupal’s SEO modules. To know more about our Drupal website development services, please contact us today.