The Future calls: Social media marketing trends for 2016

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Marketing directors have been keen on designing their strategies for 2016 while keeping in mind the social media marketing trends that are going to have the biggest impact on their efforts. If you are in the middle of developing your social media marketing strategy for 2016, then you should definitely take some time to review the social media marketing trends for the year as predicted by experts.

However, before doing it, it is important to understand what exactly social media marketing means. Well, Social Media Marketing is nothing but the ability to utilize communication through various social media sites to build a brand or gain attention.

Now, let's take a look at some of the major social media marketing trends of 2016.

Mobile to be the first priority: With the ever increasing number of mobile users and the dramatic increase in the number of mobile visitors to websites, companies will have to make the shift towards making mobile a priority. Marketing strategists can no way avoid focusing on mobile phones, especially smart phones.

Development in Emoji Analytics: Emoji have become an important communication tool as it is easy to use, compact and enables an easier and quicker way of expressing one’s emotions without having to use longer-form content. With the increasing usage of Emoji's in future, marketers will definitely have to look forward to implementing more emoji on texts in various social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. The questions that would get greater focus would be how do we use this rising trend to get a better understanding of our audience? Can we consider emoji habits and behaviors as a strong indicator of engagement and interest? Getting the particulars on how and why emoji are used, and in the context in which they are used will become pertinent in 2016.

Extension of Customer Service: Since more and more people are using social media sites, they will look forward to customer service platforms to resolve their issues. Hence, marketing strategists will focus on developing more tools in networking sites to better serve their customers.

Live-streaming Video to become popular: Live video is a method of connecting face-to-face, without having to meet personally. Live video offers a better scope of connecting you to your audience in a more personal way than blogs. Moreover, it does not require further editing or improving the content.

So it can be presumed that 2016 will see a mix of new trends along with the old ones in social media marketing. Over the years, Zyxware Technologies has provided efficient and cost-effective digital marketing solutions to clients across various industry verticals. To expand your visibility online, connect with us and develop a comprehensive online marketing strategy for your business. To know more about our Digital marketing services, get in touch with us today.