Zyxware Now the No 1 Drupal Contributor from India

| | 2 min read

According to the latest rankings displayed in drupal.org, Zyxware Technologies recently overtook its nearest competitor to earn the top spot in Drupal.org as the highest contributor to Drupal from India. This has also resulted in improved global rankings in Drupal.org positioning us as one of the top 5 contributors in Drupal from all the companies across the globe.

The rankings are based on the number of issue credits received by all contributors working on behalf of Zyxware in drupal.org for the past 3 months. The number of credits reflects the efforts we have put in both our own 59 projects as well as third-party modules including the Drupal core. There are currently around 69 registered companies from India actively contributing back to Drupal.

We have been proactively working to contribute back to the Drupal community for close to a decade and we have recently stepped up our contribution activities in the past two years which have led to around 59 projects. Our top modules are Search404 and Disable Messages used by around 50,000 sites. We have been continuously tweaking our approach to contributions. As it stands there is no dedicated team to manage contributions. All our developers are encouraged to make contributions while working in commercial and internal projects resulting in new modules addressing a specific need to patches with bug fixes or improvements to the existing codebase.

Team Zyxware