MCA Projects - Inviting smart MCA students for Free Software Projects

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Are you looking for an intellectually stimulating and challenging MCA project to wrap up your course? Are you looking for building something that people are going to use in real life instead of ending up in an old shelf in your college? If so you you have come to the right place. We are inviting smart and capable MCA students for some of our upcoming Free Software community projects. All these projects are going to be real world projects targeting real users and the completed work will be contributed to the community.

Before you can rush in, you have to prove that you are capable enough to make it worthwhile for us to spend time with you. Send your resume to (mca-projects at zyxware dot com) us with a covering letter not less than 1000 words (A4 sheet single-line-spacing 12px font) explaining why you think that we should invest our time in you. The best way to showcase your technical abilities is to point us to some code that you have written previously. A URL, or a tarball attached to your mail would be sufficient. Also send us a 2 page(same specs as above) proposal on a Free Software project that you would like to participate/build. If we find the project more interesting and more worthwhile than the ones we have in mind we might take up your project and let you work on it.

If you are planning to work on the project as a team then each member of the team has to send a separate resume + covering letter. The project proposal can be a joint proposal for your project. When you are applying as a team, attach all your resumes, covering letters and the project proposal with one single email to make it easier for us to sort through the mails.

If we think that you might fit the bill you will get a call/mail from us within 2 weeks of you sending your application. We will not be able to answer/reply to rejected enquiries. If you don't get a call/mail from us within 2 weeks, you can safely assume that your application was rejected.

You will have to be present physically at our office for the full course of the project. If you are from outside Trivandrum, we will help you in finding/arranging temporary accommodation. We will not be charging any fees for the project, neither will we be paying you any stipend for the project.

During the project you will get an opportunity to be part of an exciting team of developers here at Zyxware. You will also get a chance to interact with IT professionals from the Free Software community here in Trivandrum. If you are smart enough you will also have a shot at getting a job here at Zyxware. Finally this will give you a chance to do something worthwhile for yourself and for the community through your MCA project.