gPHPEdit - PHP, Javascript, CSS Editor

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Efficient programming requires a comfortable editor or a development environment. The definition of comfortable would vary with the developer. The requirements would vary with the programming language also. For web application development in PHP some of the nice little features that helps in development are listed below.

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Function Browser
  • Regex Searching
  • Wrapped Searching
  • Multi-file Searching
  • Auto complete
  • Inline access to Language Help

gPHPEdit is a pretty good PHP editor that meets most of the above features. It is included in both the debian and ubuntu repositories and it has ports for FreeBSD and Gentoo. Active development on the editor seems to have stopped but the source code is given as the software is GPLed. We use gPHPEdit for web application development in PHP. One small nuisance factor we had identified with the editor was that the ClassBrowser that lists the functions was not sorting the functions alphabetically and the developer had to scroll and find functions in the list. This was especially tedious when the ClassBrowser was listing functions from multiple files. Since the source was available we tweaked the code to sort the functions in the ClassBrowser. The modified files are uploaded at the following URL. The modifications was tested on Ubuntu 7.04 and not on other systems. gPHPEdit ClassBrowser Sorting Modified Files All you have to do is to extract and overwrite the files in the source folder and then run configure and make install