Drupal - Free and Open Source Web CMS for Your Digital Transformation

| | 4 min read

Authors: Ijas Ansari, Thomas P. Thomas

Digital technologies are reshaping industries and organizations are responding to it by going through their own Digital Transformation journeys. In a general context, Digital Transformation can be defined as the integration of digital technology into the overall business process of an organization to create a radical change in the fundamental business model and the way in which it delivers value to its customers. In a study conducted by Smart Insight, they have identified that around 34% of organizations already have digital transformation plans in place.

Some of the key technology enablers for digital transformation are Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, SaaS Platforms, Web Service Integration, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Big Data & Predictive Analytics, and Business Process Automation.

Today’s digital-age customers are expecting to get more than what has traditionally been offered by businesses. Over 76% of the customers think that their vendors should understand their expectations and needs. Customers expect the business to serve them with personalized services when they engage with the business.  Businesses should be ready to satisfy the customer’s expectations whenever they choose to engage with the business. Therefore, digital transformation is a survival imperative for businesses.

It is in this context that modern Web Content Management Systems (WebCMS) are becoming the centerpiece to businesses. In a digital business, content is considered to be the link between business and customers. Business needs to create and serve content that the customers are looking for at the exact time and place they require. A robust WCMS is a necessary starting point for this. Drupal is one of the most robust WCMSs on the planet at the moment. It has been so for over a decade now. Gartner has recognized Drupal (Acquia) as a Leader in its Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Platform in 2020. [Gartner had also recognized Drupal as a leader in the WebCMS category which was later replaced by the Digital Experience Platform category]. Drupal is also a Free and Open Source Content Management System that offers immense customization possibilities. This becomes even more appealing when you consider that there is zero licensing cost involved here [God Bless Open Source!]. It has been continuously evolving to help you create the best possible customer experience on multiple touchpoints and is indeed the right solution to deliver the value created by digital transformation to the customers.

Some of the key features that make Drupal the best CMS for a Digital Business are

  • Flexible, Reliable and Mobile First: Drupal is a highly flexible WCMS that can be customized based on the business requirements. The availability of publisher interfaces on mobile devices makes Drupal a dream tool to administer and the availability of a wide range of responsive themes makes it easy for you to build and launch responsive websites in no time.

  • Multi-site Functionality and Multilingual: The Multisite functionality allows us to create and manage any number of sites from a single platform. The multilingual capabilities of drupal come in hand when you want to create sites in different languages for specific regions, Drupal basic functionalities and modules are available in more than 90 languages to make it possible to create multilingual sites easily.

  • Third-party Integration: Drupal is equipped to seamlessly operate with adjacent technologies. Drupal’s API and external libraries make it interoperable with other enterprise technologies such as CRM, Web Analytics, Digital Asset Management, and Multichannel Campaign Management. Drupal can also be integrated with AI Chatbots and AI-driven recommendation engines to meet the expectation of digital customers.

  • Secure: Drupal is a secure CMS and application framework that is designed to overcome OWASP’s top 10 web application security risks. Among other popular CMS used today, Drupal is considered to be the most secure CMS. Drupal owes its enhanced security features to the highly matured Drupal Community and the dedicated volunteers of the Drupal Security Team who are in charge of improving and maintaining the security of Drupal Projects.

These features of drupal can help you integrate the digital transformation enabler to your business by choosing drupal as your WCMS you can streamline your digital transformation. Get in touch with us to know more about the opportunities that Drupal can provide for your specific business.