Drupal Technical
min read
Triggers and Events are very important concept in the Drupal world. If you want to get your hands dirty tweaking Drupal or dive into Drupal development or simply configure a Drupal website properly you need to be familiar with the Drupal Actions and Triggers. If you want to know more about Drupal Triggers and Actions then read on to find out.
Drupal Technical
min read
We had discussed about the basics of Drupal Actions and Triggers in our previous article. Have a look at the article How to create Drupal Triggers and Actions - Part I if you have not done so. In this article we are going to show you how to define Actions and Triggers in code.
Technical Solution
min read
As a web developer, we sometimes may want to export a specific table from a MySQL database. It can be particularly helpful when we are going to apply some changes to a table that is part of a large database and we are interested in backing up that specific table only, rather that whole huge database.
To create a backup (also called dump) of the a table use this command:
mysqldump -u username -p db_name table_name | gzip > db_name.table_name.sql.gzThis will create the backup/dump for the table in the file in compressed format.