Bash Script

Extract email address from resumes
| 2 min read
Processing a lot of resumes is a challenge for HR departments. With the right tools at hand, nothing is difficult to achieve. Here is how we extracted the required information from PDF files to process the job applications we received for out digital marketing executive post.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
When you work with large CSV files it is sometimes useful to have a quick way to split the csv file into smaller pieces so that another application / process / people can work on these smaller files in parallel. Here is a nifty bash script to split a csv file into multiple pieces and retain the same header in all pieces.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
One of the challenges with working with dynamic websites is that you have to keep fighting malicious users who regularly sap your server capacity with rogue crawling of your site. To do this you would have to monitor and analyze the traffic patterns on the server regularly. You would definitely want to do this when you have load spikes on the server and you wish to find out the IP addresses, user agents and the specific URLs which resulted in these spikes.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Backup! Backup! Backup! Always back up your Drupal site's code and database before you actually start making any changes to your site. Do you have access to the control panel? Cool! Go ahead and create a zip file of your entire site, export your db, download it to your local machine and you are done. Read on to know how to backup your Drupal site.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Zyxware conducted a half day workshop on BASH scripting on 15th September at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam. The workshop was conducted as part of the Kerala State Students Convention organized by Computer Society of India at the college. The workshop was open to students from the different CSI chapters across Kerala. The workshop covered the following topics
Zyxware default image3
| 5 min read
We use a VPS server hosted on the web as our shared projects folder to share files between our team members in a safe and secure way. This is set up in such a way that users can mount a folder on the VPS on to their local machines via SSHFS and access contents on the shared folder. The permissions in the folder is managed via a script that is running on the server. The script and its configuration is being managed using an automatic deployment process using git. In the following article we have described how you can set up your own secure shared folder on the web.