Drupal Training

Back-To-Work program for women
| 8 min read
ICFOSS and Zyxware Technologies organized the 5th season of the "Back-To-Work" program for women, with the topic being "Building digital experiences with Drupal". As part of the event, The Director of Programs at the Drupal Association, Von R. Eaton, gave a presentation covering various aspects of Drupal, Drupal.org, and the Drupal Association, followed by a question and answer session with participants. The questions addressed topics such as the cost of Drupal, the necessary skills to work in the Drupal Association, mentoring opportunities, and payment for freelancers contributing to Drupal.
Back To Work For Women
| 3 min read
The "Back to Work for Women" program is a residential training program organised by ICFOSS (International Centre for Free and Open Source Software) designed to help women who took a career break due to personal commitments to re-enter the workforce by acquiring new skills in the free software domain—the 5th edition of the program which was centred around using Drupal to develop digital experience platforms. The program was organised by ICFOSS, with support from various organisations such as Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM), Kerala Development and Innovation Strategy Council (K-DISC), and as part of the Gender & Technology initiative by the government of Kerala. Zyxware Technologies, a leading digital transformation firm, participated in the program by providing training on Drupal technology to expand the talent pool of Drupal developers and the Drupal community in general.