Drupal Upgrade

Zyxware default image1
| 1 min read
I had met a peculiar Apache 2 error on Drupal upgrading. I can see my site loaded but can't access any of the sub-URL's in the site. When I provide the Url:www.test.com/admin/node, its shows "Requested URL /admin/node not found on this server". But if the url is provided like 'test.com/?q=node/', it allows to get the link.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
Syncing means importing all files, permissions and data's from master to the development site, so that we have a two copies of live sites to test our new developments. In Drupal, its very easy to create versions of websites using this syncing process. Once the site is live to Production, the above process helps to fetch the sites data in the current scenario and to update few more features in the live site. I had a task to sync live database to development site's and came across some issues while syncing live database with the dev database.
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
With Drupal 8 in the works a lot of Drupal 6 sites are currently upgrading to Drupal 7. We get quite a few queries on Drupal upgrades and almost everybody asks for a fixed price estimate for the process. In theory Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 upgrade process is an automated process (except for the upgrade of theme and custom modules) and all you have to do is to take the site through a set of standard steps for the upgrade. However upgrades don't always work like that.
Zyxware default image2
| 9 min read
Ecommerce used to be the preferred ecommerce solution for Drupal before Ubercart came into the picture. We recently worked on upgrading a Drupal 5 site with Ecommerce to Drupal 7 with Ubercart. The challenge with this upgrade was that the source data existed only in the D5 database and the corresponding code to programmatically access the ecommerce data was in D5 as well while the destination tables existed only in the D7 database with the corresponding code existing only in the D7 database. The solution we went with was to go for a full SQL query based migration to copy over the Ecommerce data from its tables to the Ubercart tables.