
Zyxware default image2
| 6 min read
While working on a project using git repository, if you want to create and switch to a new branch, then use: git checkout -b [my-branch-name] To simply checkout a branch, use: git checkout [my-branch-name] If you want to rename a branch when pointed to any other branch, you can type the following command: git branch -m [old-branch-name] [new-branch-name] To rename the current branch, use: git branch -m [new-branch-name]
| 3 min read
Git is a free software and distributed version control system. We can maintain and track our project files in a git repository. It is a modern version control system that replaces the legacy centralized systems like CVS, Subversion etc. We can call Git a 'social network' for programmers or developers, which gives speed and efficiency in development. Different commands are used to handle the operations in git.
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| 6 min read
Git is a version control system which is distributed and is famous for its speed and efficiency. Git is different from its predecessors in so many ways, it handles the data as snapshots rather than file differences. Also almost all the operations in git is done at the local repository thus called distributed. Since all the operations are local it gives the power of speed to the end user.However more than this git also provides some tools which makes the git usage more easier and also increases the user friendliness.
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| 5 min read
Git is a control system for developing softwares. There are a number of git commands (Git reference). While searching bringing a commit from one branch to another, I came across an interesting topic called cherry picking. Cherry pick a commit? Sounds interesting!!!
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| 4 min read
Version control system is used to track the history of the files. Also we can revert the files to another version. Version control system will increase the potential of parallel and distributed work , ie it will track time , merge changes and manage the history of changes in the file.If you are a Drupal developer you might find Git a useful tool. Here a few commands that are to be familiar by a Drupal developer
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| 5 min read
We encountered a situation when developing a Drupal site where our client website had been recently migrated to a new server. We had been using git as our version control system for almost all of our Drupal projects and this one was no exception. Now the new server did not have git installed and we needed one very quickly. So instead of requesting a support ticket and waiting for a response we decided to install git manually. Read on to know how to compile and install git on a live server.
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| 3 min read
Why we spend hours on fixing HTML validation errors? Because we know how much reliability and quality matter when it comes to serving customers through the web. With Drupal, most of the page is generated, and the rest is the content that we type into the editor. If your article contains Markup Validation Errors, it could spoil all the efforts put in building a good website.
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| 3 min read
If you own a VPS or a dedicated server or a hosting server which allows you to have shell access then you can easily set up your own git server with as many users and as many repositories as can be stored in the space on your server. All you need to do this is a bit of system administration skills and a hosting server that allows you shell access. Read on to see how you can set up your own git server.
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| 4 min read
Git is a popular version Control System that is Free Software. Created by Linux Torvalds to manage the development and deployment of the Linux kernel. The advantages of Git prompted developers to use it in many other software projects which required a robust version control system. Recently Drupal made the official transition from CVS to Git citing its advantages. So If you want to be a great developer you should get to know Git and its strengths when compared to existing Version Control Systems.  Read on to get a better perspective on Git and its importance to Drupal.