SCSS is one of the two syntaxes available for Sass - a CSS preprocessing language. This article talks about the different Sass syntax and the difference.
For a recent Drupal project there was a requirement to find the pages that a user visits on the site and send that to Google Analytics. Here, first we should save the page links that the user visits. But for this we need,
Developments in machine learning have a great influence on the e-commerce sector. Online purchase is steadily on the rise, allowing companies to capture all kinds of data on the customer experience, including
While using the D3 implementation in one of my project for collapsible tree, I used the following piece of codes to add dragging and zooming feature in the tree. At first I have downloaded the D3 JS and loaded to the page callback as specified in the D3 implementation notes.
drupal_add_js() function is mainly used to add JavaScript to the page, either as reference to an existing file or as in-line code (by writing the code directly in the page). But it also add settings to Drupal's global storage of JavaScript settings. These settings can access using Drupal.settings variable in JavaScript file.
Drupal offers a variety of ways to implement solutions when it comes to custom theming and it has been abused often due to the very same reason. Choosing the right way is what Drupal developers find tricky. If it is not done right, it is quite likely that you 'Awesome Drupal Website' would turn into a code-monster soon. This can even make maintenance difficult. Hope this 'tiny bit of' information could help you through it.
The last release of Drupal was about three years back and Drupal lovers - site builders, developers and administrators - are more than excited to get their hands on the hottest addition to the Drupal Web Development family, Drupal 8. With over 1700 contributors working diligently at building the latest version of Drupal, it comes as no surprise that Drupal 8 has exceeded the expectations of its loyal users and arrived with a bang.
In one of my project, I want to display a hierarchical structure of an array by using D3 JS, which should be collapsible. Lets checkout how we can implement, D3 JS in Drupal 7 with collapsible concept. Do you want the implementation like this, get a quote and make use of our expertise.
While working on a Drupal website recently, I wanted to add a pop-up in some of the selected pages in a website with a delay of 15 seconds after page load. For all users, pop-up should be displayed only once in a day.
Now a days for almost all the website have atleast one read more option. Read more options are mainly for excluding the full content of a text or a paragraph to improve its visibility for the user. By the read more option user gets the freedom to view the full content if the user wants.
This is a small article on how we can detect an Operating System (WIndows, Linux, Mac etc) using jQuery. For this first we need to download a plugin from here. Download this file (the name will be jquery.client.js) and copy and paste it in your custom module.
In one of my drupal projects, I had a requirement to open some search result page in a new tab. I had given '#' as a place holder for the href attribute of the search link that needs to execute a javascript function on click to open the search result page on new tabs. I have added necessary code on the click event of this link to open the search results in new tabs and it was working properly. But when I click on this search link the current tab will go to the top of the page, since the '#' attribute will redirect to the top of the page.
While accesing site from mobile it needs to be changed as per the mobile reqirement. So we need to check whether the site is accessing from mobile devices or from the desktop or laptop. There is an easy way to detect it witht help of Javascript.
One of our Drupal clients wanted to make the current image of the slideshow in a page as the background of other pages. It is possible to achieve this effect using a combination of jQuery and Ajax. Read on to know how to make the current image of slideshow in a page as the background of related pages in a Drupal site.
Are you looking for a way manipulate dom elements using javascript based on some values from PHP, then this article is for you. We had recently worked in a Drupal 6 site having the same scenario. Our requirement was to enable some checkboxes using javascript based on the values of some variables available in the backend, This was accomplished using Drupal.settings
Did you face a situation where you wished that you could edit JavaScript live on the browser to make experimental changes in your code? Have you ever made modifications in JavaScript code without rewriting the file and reloading the web page to see the changes in real-time. Read on to know how to edit JavaScript code in your browser and see the changes in real-time?
When developing a website we might often come across situations where we have to limit the entry into each text fields to a certain type. One of the common scenarios we run into when developing Drupal websites is to limit text fields to accept only numbers as its input. If you want to know how to limit a text field to accept only numbers as input then read on to find out more.
We need to develop websites for a variety of mobile devices along with regular desktop versions. To do this effectively we need to detect the mobile devices when they access the website which can be done through Javascript. Read on to know how to detect mobile devices using Javascript