
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
For the first time since setting up Zyxware in 2006 we are moving our office and when else do you need a lease agreement other than when you move in to a new place :-). This is a sample of our lease agreement which we had used for our current office and which we will probably be using for our future offices as well. We are sharing this with the rest of the world as per our open documentation policy. Copy and use this sample lease agreement as a template to create yours as you like.
Zyxware default image2
| 5 min read
After giving the Offer Letter, an Appointment Letter is the next step of interaction between a company and an employee. For him/her, a Letter of Appointment is a guarantee about the given job and position in that company. There are various formats available. Given below is the one which we use at Zyxware.