
How automation can benefit the HR domain
| 8 min read
Pandemic has compelled digital transformation (DX) for most industries, making DX a "must-have" thing rather than a "nice-to-have" one. But embracing new operations methods came with its own set of challenges for each domain, and HR is no exception. While acquiring the right talent has always been one of the biggest challenges of HR, they now have the onus of maintaining culture, employee engagement, hiring, retention, or laying off during the work from home scenario. That's an entire set of added challenges no one would have envisioned.
Zyxware default image3
| 5 min read
The policies of President-elect Donald Trump have been received with considerable curiosity especially those related to the Internet, cyber security and privacy, technology education, and technology company growth. Technology enthusiasts favor progression, innovation, and exploration. However, Trump maintains that a balance of power is critical and that technology must be constrained in areas where homeland security might be compromised.