
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
When looking for Drupal native e-commerce carts its limited to two packages Ubercart and Commerce. Ubercart is the long leading one and Commerce is the new one, but developed for drupal 7. Commerce is a bit complex when compared with Ubercart but it offers more features like shipping, inventory control etc. And another issue with Ubercart stores who want to upgrade to Drupal 7 is, lot of Ubercart contrib modules weren't being upgraded to 7. So the solution is Commerce.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
Needing a Ubercart module that will calculate the shipping price for various regions depending upon the total weight of the products ordered. Ubercart shipping module is an interface to add different shipping providers. It's worth mentioning what we're trying to achieve here. Cotswold Seeds wanted to provide a single shipping cost for every order, as depending on shipping address, the order value and weight, they have the responsibility of selecting the shipping carrier.Only a single shipping quote is ever going to be provided for each order, because The user would not be given a choice here.
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
This is a simple and easy way to theme an ubercart shopping cart block in a Drupal site. When we enable ubercart in our Drupal website we will get a block called shopping cart. This block will show us number of items in which are added to cart. When we use our own theme this block may not looks good, but we can theme it in a very easy manner. This article can be useful if you want to theme shopping cart block in Drupal.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
We had faced an issue with invoice sent by authorize.net, for anonymous purchase a product in ubercart in one of our Drupal 7 site. After the purchase is completed, the user receives an invoice from authorize.net. But if the user is anonymous, the invoice's customer id is set as zero. We had sorted out the issue and fixed it. Read on to know how to solve this problem
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
Suppose your Drupal projects handles products which can be shipped from one location to another and you are using Ubercart shipping quote' module to handle payment related to weight and shipping zones. Admin have the permission to add Zones rate and weight for each product, and the registered user's can buy the product. Here I am going to explain some of the test cases to be tested while testing this functionality.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
In Drupal we can create a time based subscription for a user for a given role. The user will be assigned to that role for a certain limit of time, after that the role will expire. The subscription will be based on Ubercart product. When a user purchases the product, account of user is upgraded to a specified role for a given time limit. The user can also renew for the role by purchasing the product after end of subscription.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
The client requirement was to add an option to enable the purchase of free products in an eCommerce site implemented using the Ubercart module of Drupal. This option can be implemented using the module named 'uc_free_order'(with Ubercart and other dependent modules installed). At the time of purchase, the 'uc_free_order' module checks the price of the product to verify if the amount is less than or equal to zero. In this scenario, the checkout page and the credit card options will not be displayed. Instead 'No payment required' message will be displayed inside the 'Payment method' box. Read on to know how to configure it in the site.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
Integration testing is grey box testing method in which combined parts of an application is tested to determine whether all these functions works together. Let us learn this with an example. Suppose your Drupal site sells online products and the shipment charge is set in such a way that it will be applicable to the product depending on the weight and destination. While doing the unit testing, tester has to test product selection, setting price,setting shipment to the destination etc separately. But in integration testing we test all these different functionality as a whole.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
We had recently worked with a client of ours to help port the Drupal 6 version of the Moneris Payment Gateway module for Drupal to Drupal 7. Moneris is a popular payment gateway in Canada. The upgraded module has been submitted in an issue under the Moneris issue queue - https://drupal.org/node/1276770. Once it is tested and verified by the community the maintainer will be pushing the code to the repository.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
In a recent project, one of the client requirements was to remove the link of the cart-image which appears in shopping cart page. In drupal, when a node is added to cart, it will be automatically linked to the corresponding node page. He wanted to hide it because, we were not using the default node page for the products. If you want to know, how we removed the link from the cart-image, you may follow the stepss below.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
When we were working on a Drupal website using Ubercart, we wanted to override the text content of the default email sent out by Ubercart. Drupal does not give us a configurational method to implement this. If you do not know how to override the default email sent out by Ubercart during checkout, continue reading. Ubercart stores the default content for email in template files. These templates can be found inside the ubercart/uc_orders/templates folder. Ubercart uses three template files.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
If you are working on a Drupal website with Ubercart and if you are handling custom product mechanisms programmatically, one of the main task you may come across can be, 'removing an item from your cart', when a particular condition is satisfied. If you are facing any difficulty with removing items from cart, I may have a solution for you. By default Ubercart provides custom function named uc_cart_remove_item() to remove an item. uc_cart_remove_item(node_id, cart_id, product_data)As you can see that the function requires three parameters:
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
The last version of Drupal 5 was released on Aug 11, 2010 and the maintenance of Drupal 5 was stopped on Jan 5, 2011. The current stable branch of Drupal (as of March 2013) is Drupal 7 and the previous version Drupal 6 will be maintained till the release of Drupal 8 which is expected to happen towards the end of 2013 or early 2014. Drupal 7 will be maintained till the release of Drupal 9 which should happen probably in 2015.