Web Development

Web Development - Tips, HowTos, Starting, Utilities, Editors, Languages etc.

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| 3 min read
Drupal staffing supplements the in-house shortage of Drupal developers for projects with experts in the field at a slightly higher cost but for a specific period. It involves comprehending clearly the ability of the development team and what are the auxiliary needs of the project. Staff augmentation is deemed necessary by most companies to support their business activities when additional resources are required.
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Today, a professionally designed website is one of the most recognized and effective mediums to promote business and organizational growth. A systematic and streamlined web development process follows several standard frameworks, methodologies, languages, and modeling tools to ensure timely delivery and quality control.
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| 4 min read
We recently had a customer who had Windows Hosting with IIS and she had two WordPress blogs hosted on two subdirectories on the same hosting space. Windows hosting should be the last thing that should come to your mind when you want to do WordPress hosting as it will never come close to LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) functionalities. Now the problem was that she could not set up Permalinks on both blogs. There was an already published solution on how to setup Permalinks in Wordpress on IIS but we had to tweak that a little to get it working in this scenario.