
Fix Certbot Auto-Renew Error in Ubuntu
| 1 min read
Zyxware conducted a 2 day workshop on Requirement Analysis for its team members. As part of the workshop there was a session on how to manage digital communication. Digital communication is very important a business where the service provider and client could be in different continents and in different timezones. The session covered aspects that software engineers have to be aware about when it comes to digital communication.
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| 5 min read
As part of the ongoing process of migrating computers in Kerala Legislative Assembly to Free Software, we got the opportunity to offer GNU/Linux training to the first set of 120 employees of Kerala Niyamasabha. Zyxware Technologies conducted trainings for 8 batches of staff of Assembly. Each batch had a session of 2 hours each. This was spread over 8 days between November 26, 2013 to December 6, 2013.
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| 5 min read
Why we spend hours on fixing HTML validation errors? Because we know how much reliability and quality matter when it comes to serving customers through the web. With Drupal, most of the page is generated, and the rest is the content that we type into the editor. If your article contains Markup Validation Errors, it could spoil all the efforts put in building a good website.
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| 2 min read
CSI Trivandrum Chapter and Zyxware is jointly conducting a One Day workshop on HTML5 on the 17th of November 2012. The workshop will be held at Hotel Keys, Trivandrum from 9AM to 5PM. Entry is limited to 30 participants only. You can - register online and reserve a seat for yourself for the workshop.
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| 2 min read
Zyxware conducted a half day workshop on BASH scripting on 15th September at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam. The workshop was conducted as part of the Kerala State Students Convention organized by Computer Society of India at the college. The workshop was open to students from the different CSI chapters across Kerala. The workshop covered the following topics