Gentoo Linux 11.1 64bit DVD can be used only with 64bit machines. The main package in this release are : system packages - Linux kernel 2.6.30 (with Gentoo patches), accessibility support with Speakup 3.1.3, Bash 4.0, glibc 2.9, GCC 4.3.2; desktop environments and window managers - KDE 4.3.1, GNOME 2.26.3, Xfce 4.6.1, Enlightenment, Openbox, Fluxbox 1.1.1, TWM 1.0.4; office, graphics, and productivity applications - OpenOffice.org 3.1.1, AbiWord 2.6.4, GnuCash 2.2.9, Scribus, GIMP 2.6.4, Inkscape 0.46, Blender 2.49a.... The Gentoo 11.1 live DVD is available in two flavors - a hybrid x86/x86_64 edition, and an x86_64-only edition.
About Gentoo Linux
Gentoo is a free operating system based on either Linux or FreeBSD that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme configurability, performance and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience.