wattOS R5 is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring a clean and simple user interface in a customised LXDE desktop. wattOS R5 is based on Ubuntu 11.10 and the latest updates from the repositories. Changes of applications from R4 to R5 are as follows: updated to Linux kernel 3.0; new music player - changed to Audacious with plugin for music stream searching; changed to SMPlayer for video player; removed native mail client; installed new graphics editing program Pinta; installed new power management utilities; changed from Chromium to the Midori web browser with Flash support included; added better webcam support with Cheese; lots of other small tweaks and improvements, including ACPI, powertop, psensor; changed from wicd to NetworkManager along with the notifications; added the software update manager; added the language support tools etc...
About wattOS
wattOS is a fast desktop Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Using the lightweight Openbox window manager as its default user interface, the distribution strives to be as energy-efficient as possible so that it can be used on low-specification and recycled computers.