Drupal Node

Zyxware default image3
| 1 min read
In Drupal, while viewing a content type it will display the content type view with a comment form. If we want to remove the comment form from the view node page we can disable/unset it using hook_node_view function. But what we have to do if we want the comment form in a separate tab. There is a module called Talk. This module removes the comment form from a node view page and display it on a separate tab.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Are you looking for an easy way to delete hundreds and thousands of nodes in your Drupal CMS? We all know how to delete it using the normal admin panel which forces us to select all and clicking the delete button again and again. If you are a lazy person then probably you don't like to waste your time to find some stupid script to delete all nodes. In fact there is no need to do that, since somebody had already done that. I am saying about the Devel Generate module. Yes, Devel Generate to delete nodes!