Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
Some alignment issues occurring in IE may be a test for your patience. We had once worked in a Drupal 6 site, and the design look well every where, but there is a small alignment problem shown up in IE. Applying a conditional style sheet saved our time. Read on to know about how to apply conditional css in a Drupal 6 site.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
One of our Drupal clients asked us to customize the search box in one of their Drupal themes and bring in rounded corners and a search icon. However the solution we came up with was causing the search text to overlap the search block from in IE. If you are facing the same issue in your Drupal site and would like to know how to prevent search text from overlapping Drupal search block form in IE then read on to find out the solution.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
It is required of every Drupal developer to keep ahead of common browser compatibility issues. IE is probably the most notorious browser in any drupal developer’s dictionary. IE is a very peculiar browser in terms of standards compliance. Font issues are very common on IE than elsewhere. Here is a small piece of CSS, that seems to work fine everywhere else other than IE:
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
We were working on an online billing application for a small charity firm when we came upon this problem. The application was developed and tested under Firefox. However we got the error when we tested it on Internet Explorer 6 (6.0.2900.2180). There was a simple javascript call to open a popup window. The window was opening fine but it remained blank and the parent window showed the javascript error Error: Class not registered.