Node View

Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
We were working on a Drupal website which was handed to us by one of our Drupal clients. We were required to add a new content type to the Drupal site and create the associated views with it. While working on adding a feature we found that the taxonomy terms (tags) were not appearing on the node page of any content type. If you find that the tags have been missing then read on to know the most likely source of the issue.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
In Drupal function hook_menu_alter() allows you to alter various properties of menu items. In your custom module, simply add the function. MODULENAME_callback_function will check the node type and hide the node view and edit from a particular node type. Here for our nodetype the hook_menu_alter() will call the callback function MODULENAME_callback_function, which will not show the view and edit tabs for our nodetype in Drupal.