Technical Solution
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When we combine different CSV files using ‘cat’ command, the resulting CSV file contain repeating headers. This usually happens when we combine different CSV files having the same headers. Let us check a simple method to remove the repeating headers in Libre office - Calc document.
Technical Solution
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Suppose you are working in OpenOffice Calc. Your requirement is to copy the Column B value into Column A, if Column A is blank. If the columns have lots of cells, filling it manually is extremely tedious. So, read on to know how to do it.
Drupal Technical
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Defect density could be defined as the value of the total defects which are known to the size of the software product calculated. i.e. Defect Density= Total defects/Size
For better understanding, consider the following example.
Technical Solution
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The vlookup or Vertical Look Up Function in Openoffice calc can be used to search a range of cells.Suppose you have two spreadsheets and you want to append data from one sheet to another. We can use vlookup() in open office calc to accomplish this task. vlookup() searches for values in one column and given values in another column in true condition. Read on to know how to user VLookup.
The syntax for vlookup() is
VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
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Integration testing is grey box testing method in which combined parts of an application is tested to determine whether all these functions works together. Let us learn this with an example.
Suppose your Drupal site sells online products and the shipment charge is set in such a way that it will be applicable to the product depending on the weight and destination. While doing the unit testing, tester has to test product selection, setting price,setting shipment to the destination etc separately. But in integration testing we test all these different functionality as a whole.
Drupal Technical
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Taxonomy allows to categorize content in a drupal website. The basic elements of the Taxonomy module are
Terms are used to describe content.
Vocabularies are a collection of terms.
Technical Solution
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Suppose you have details in LibreOffice calculator and you want to convert this in LibreOffice writer table format. Moving data from Calculator to Writer will come often when you prepare reports. It can be done in different ways. Read on to know how to transfer data in LibreOffice Calc to Libre Office Writer in table format.
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One of the most important aspects of a Drupal application is obviously its interface which is all what an end user gets to see. These Web Design issues/bugs negatively affect the final look and feel of the end product. Here are some of the most common design issues to be avoided by a Drupal tester.
Technical Solution
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Suppose you are documenting in LibreOffice Writer and in the middle of it you found that there exists a lot of extra space before every new line. It is a tedious job if you try to remove the extra space manually. Sometimes we encounter the same issue while copy pasting some documents from the web. Here I am going to explain a simple one step procedure to remove the extra space and new line in a LibreOffice document.