Drupal Technical
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If you have a Drupal 6 site where you have access to the ftp account but not to the user 1 credentials here is how you can login programmatially to the site as user 1 without resetting the user 1 password. Now that you know that this is possible, remember to not give ftp access to users who do not have access to user 1 credentials as well.
Drupal Technical
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Frequently we come across Drupal sites (live or testing) where the user 1 passwords are not known to the owner of the site. You can retrieve the password by changing the email address of user 1 to your email address and then use the forgot password option to reset your password. But if you don't want to change the user 1 email address but instead just want to change the password of user 1 there is an easier alternative via the database.
Technical Solution
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Nmap is a Free Software tool that can be used for a variety of network network exploration tasks and security auditing. Nmap ("Network Mapper") scans IP packets to determine a lot of different aspects about hosts available on the network and also about services these hosts are offering. It can help you find a lot of information about these hosts including reverse DNS names, operating system guesses, device types, and MAC addresses.
Drupal Technical
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On a Drupal site that came up for some minor alterations recently we came across an issue where some menu links disappeared for anonymous users while they appeared normally for the administrative users. On digging further we came across an issue with an implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql in a contributed module. But along the way we had to debug the full process of generation of primary links and how node level access permissions are checked during this process.
Technical Solution
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We get frequent requests to rebuild existing sites using Drupal. When we get such a request it would help to have a copy of the full site on our local server to make it easier for themers and developers to reuse whatever existing components that can be salvaged from the original site. Wget is a powerful tool that can help mirror websites locally or on any web servers.
The command for doing this using wget is really simple.
Drupal Technical
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In Drupal 6, when you are working on a new project and when you change menu items from MENU_NORMAL_ITEMS to MENU_LOCAL_TASK or vice versa you will run into a scenario where the menu_links table entries won't get changed. This can get reflected in menu_links not appearing in your system_admin_menu_block_page listing if you are using it for listing your menu items in a page. The solution is to rebuild the menu_links table for the menu items corresponding to your menu_router items.
The solution is simple.
Drupal Technical
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One of the servers we maintain suddenly started developing performance hiccups. The site running on the server was a fully static website configured with static page caching via boost. The site used to receive a reasonably good volume of anonymous and search engine traffic on a daily basis. The only form on the site was a search form which existed as a separate page.
Drupal Technical
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The success of a website depends on many aspects, its maintenance being the most crucial. Only a well maintained website will have a vibrant impact on the visitors. The below checklist helps you ensure that your Drupal website is well oiled time to time.
Backups and Maintenance
Drupal Technical
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Have you ever thought about the security of your Drupal website on the web? If not, it’s high time you did that. Either be the case, here’s a simple checklist to make sure you have the essentials ready:
Drupal Technical
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And so you have a Drupal site. But have you made sure that your site’s content is as required? Here’s a simple checklist to help you with that:
User Content